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5 marketing stats investigated

75% of UK consumers have never spoken to a chatbox

Unreliable? Slow? Whatever it is, the general public does not seem partial to a chatbox especially not to seek information.

The problem with this stat, in my opinion, is the common complaint about an automated phone call, surely these chatboxes are a better bet than an hour-long phone call? Or is it just that us Brits love a good moan?


Only 50% of smartphone users know how to block ads on mobile

Despite over 80% of people surveyed owning a mobile device of some sort only 15% of them know how to block unwanted advertisements, I found this to be unusual as most the public would admit to using their mobile more often than their laptop or computer. What’s unusual is that 68% that were surveyed know how to and are able to block ads on their laptops.

So the question is, why? Perhaps the modern person who uses their mobile device more than their computer is more open to advertisement. There is no doubt that we are more susceptible to marketing and advertising due to mobile and socials, and we just don’t notice ads as often anymore. Or perhaps the general public just simply don’t know how to remove them.


90% of UK consumers have unsubscribed from retail communications in the past year

Bad marketing? Or just simply too many emails, we all know the struggle of having to sift through unwanted advertisements and emails from online websites in order to find one out of a hundred that are important. This is what I’m lead to believe after 46% saying they unsubscribed due to the onslaught of messages from brands.

A survey of over 1,500 showed one third were unhappy with the amount and the frequency of emails and other forms of contact they were being bombarded with saying they were receiving at least one thing a day from each brand.

Is this persistence or just poorly managed marketing strategies? In my opinion, there is a place for persistence and sometimes email is the place but if it’s getting to the point where you’re actually managing to discourage people from your brand then I would recommend a new strategy.


70% of social audiences want companies to tackle the rise in fake news

A shocking 80% of news audiences be it online or in a paper don’t feel confident that the news they’re reading is legitimate. From that 80%, 70% say they feel it is social media companies responsibility to take action and try to tackle the issue.

A survey shows out of 1000 Brits, 45% expressed that they’re finding it increasingly difficult to determine what is fake and what is genuine news. We’re not talking about the likes of whether Kim Kardashian has had Z plastic surgery. We want to know whether the news that could potentially affect our lives is genuine or complete rubbish and in my opinion, we have the right to that information, or at least to know whether it’s fake or not.


Will voice be used to carry out day-to-day tasks in ten years?

71% of Brits think so according to a consumer survey by Wiraya. It seems that most of us think that voice will be a huge part of our day-to-day lives interacting with technology in the next ten years. Is this percentage possible bearing in mind only 26% of Brits are using the voice technology combo in 2017?

I can imagine the other 29% are either reluctant for things to change and modernize or they just don’t have the interest in the growth of technology, but in my opinion, I think its more than possible. Technology is being developed every day and at the rate it has been growing in recent years, I can image we will be using voice for much more than just ‘Siri’ or the Android equivalent, although it will be sad to see him go.


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